10 thoughts on “Twitter: Indy Star’s @marybschneider: …

  1. Brendan Loy

    More precisely, she needed 500 signatures from the 7th Congressional District (and from every other CD in the state). The 7th CD roughly overlaps with Marion County. So the report that she needed 500 signatures “in Marion County” isn’t technically accurate, but is pretty close.

    In any case, what an underwhelming ending to a promising bit of political comedy. Though, judging by her prior statements, I’m sure we’ll soon be hearing that her failure to get the other 497 needed signatures was some sort of misogynistic conspiracy by Rahm Emmanuel and the Democratic establishment.

    Hotline has more.

  2. Doc

    Dude, I could get five hundred signatures. OK, maybe not, but I could get more than THREE. According to Fox she got a whole 112 statewide?


  3. B. Minich

    This is a great point. Three?!?! You’d get more signatures just going door to door in a smallish town then three, unless you were hated for some reason. And that isn’t her home county, right? So the people there would have nothing against her! It smacks of ameteur hour, and not putting in the effort required to file. Remember, she was supposed to be challenging Bayh – this isn’t a sudden “who, I’ve got a day to get signatures!” situation.

  4. Brendan Loy

    Agreed — three is almost unbelievably low. It suggests she had literally zero organization, not even a single volunteer, and was simply hoping she could get the 4,500 signatures by creating a website and a Facebook page and urging people to print the petitions for themselves and turn them in. Which, of course, is an obviously doomed strategy. But then, what on earth was she doing asserting that she had 3,500 of the 4,500??

    If you take 5 or 10 minutes and read her Facebook Page, it becomes clear this woman is beyond amateur-hour. She has no idea what she’s doing, what she’s talking about, or how she comes off. She doesn’t have the political skill to run for garbage collector of a town consisting entirely of her immediate family. And she wanted (and still wants!) to run for U.S. Senate. Hilarious.

  5. Jazz

    This is waay too negative:

    She doesn’t have the political skill to run for garbage collector of a town consisting entirely of her immediate family

    D’Ippolito is being savaged in the media for doing every MSM interview she could find yesterday, rather than coordinating the 11th hour effort to rustle up the necessary signatures. Don’t her critics understand that interviews on FOXCNNMSNBC are the way to convince the masses that you are mavericky, or not politics-as-usual, or a real rogue?

    Furthermore, as a raving lunatic lefty, you pretty much know the first thing D’Ippolito would do, if she could, is slap a windfall profit tax on big evil oil companies, as raving lefties are complaining about the large numbers at the bottom of big oil’s P&Ls all. the. time.

    So a) ideological message-making, plus b) windfall profit tax on evil big oil =
    c) Viable Presidential candidate

    (Though, in fairness, D’Ippolitto does fail the hotness test. Badly)

  6. Brendan Loy

    Heh. I mentally made the Palin comparison, too. But, amazingly, D’Ippolito’s writings make Palin seem somewhat coherent by comparison.

    (I’m judging by what she herself has written, and what she’s been quoted in articles as saying — I didn’t see any of the TV interviews.)

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