9 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    I hope Cheney lives long enough to see Obama’s re-election and the continuation of the permanent Democratic majority in both houses. Afterall, that is the true fruit of his 8 years of hard work in the White House (non-executive branch program).

  2. Alasdair

    Sandy Underpants – I realise that you think of Vice-President Cheney as an Arch-Evil Undead creature …

    But he’s not …

    And, for Cheney to live long enough for Obama to be re-elected and the Dems have a permanent majority in both Houses, he would have to be truly immortal …

    Enough monkeys with enough typewriters, and even that might happen !

  3. Yellamo

    I hope Cheney lives long enough to see Obama’s re-election and the continuation of the permanent Democratic majority in both houses

    Hahaha. That was the funniest thing I’ve read all week!!!! Oh wait, you were serious, not that’s even funnier!!!!

  4. Joe Mama

    Some “Cheneyku” from Jim Treacher:

    Yeah, I shot that guy
    And I had some heart attacks
    And I kept you safe


    I’m bald and morose
    I don’t look good in swim trunks
    Eight years, no attacks


    Dear Los Angeles:
    We stopped an assault on you
    “Hey, thanks” will suffice


    Look out, terrorists!
    Obama’s secret weapon:
    Approval ratings


    Every time I sneer
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed faints
    Try that one, Barack


    When you attacked me
    I disclosed my location:
    All up in your face


    Redefine “torture”
    To mean anything you want:
    Waterboarding worked


    Hello, Jon Stewart
    You cried on September 12th
    But haven’t since: Why?


    Remember, lefties
    I’m not running for office
    Your polls make me laugh


    This isn’t a smirk
    You’re just not worth the regard
    Of my entire face

  5. David K.

    Apparently in addition to Cheney, Bob Dole was hospitalized at Walter Reed yesterday. Tough day to be a Republican I guess…

  6. Sandy Underpants

    Yeah, Dick Cheney kept us safe for 8 years. I thought 9/11 happened on his watch. Not that that was a big one. If that’s the standard Republicans live by, Obama already kept us safe longer than Bush/Cheney did, and he’s on the terrorists side.

    I’ll take the terrorists over Cheney.

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