Monthly Archives: February 2010

14 years ago this week…

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I should have posted this on Saturday, but didn’t think of it, alas. However, 14 years ago this week — February 13, 1996 — I had what you might call my first 15 minutes of fame (although, compared to the Katrina boomlet that would follow 9 1/2 years later, it was more like 15 seconds of moderate attention), when the… Read more »

In defense of the stimulus

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My liberal readers will already agree with what I’m about to quote, and my conservative readers will immediately dismiss it because the link goes to, so I don’t know why I bother — but for what it’s worth: Just look at the outside evaluations of the stimulus. Perhaps the best-known economic research firms are IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers… Read more »

The tape-delay Olympics

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The blogosphere and twittersphere are buzzing about this Seattle Times column criticizing NBC’s endlessly tape-delayed Olympics coverage, and its complete tone-deafness about the issue. (See also this lengthy Deadspin post, featuring one angry viewer complaint after another.) I gotta say, I find that, in this instant-information age, the Olympics are rapidly being fundamentally transformed from something I watch on TV… Read more »