Monthly Archives: February 2010

Post-Bayh procedural fireworks in Indiana?

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In the wake of Evan Bayh’s decision not to seek re-election, Campaign Diaries reports on a potentially decisive election-procedure wrinkle in the Hoosier State: Bayh’s retirement also sets up a very confusing situation because it comes just 24 hours from the registration deadline for statewide candidates! While Indiana’s filing deadline is on Friday, Senate candidates need to deposit 500 signatures… Read more »

CotW: In Defense of Saint Valentine and His Day

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This is a piece I ran twice when I was in college because it was a.) very popular and b.) my then-girlfriend, now wife, liked it so much I had to run it again. When I first wrote it I was single, the second time I was with Janelle. Now, obviously, I’m married. But I still stand by it. It… Read more »

USC 68, UCLA 64

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Break out the brooms, baby! In the words of one tweeter, “The football monopoly in LA ain’t over, and the basketball monopoly is alive and well too! Fight On!” Hahaha. If only I’d made a bet with Tran this year! (And if only there was some potential for a postseason payoff for the Trojans!)