Monthly Archives: February 2010

The Party of No, Colorado edition

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[WARNING: Political ranting ahead, with some profanity. I’m pissed off.] I’ll be the first to admit that, as a relatively new Coloradan, I don’t pay as much attention to state politics as I should. But tonight, on my commute home, I heard a story on Colorado Public Radio about the current budget debate — and it made me furious with… Read more »

How to do NCAA expansion right: the 66-team At-Large Death Match Round

Continuing on with the discussion in my prior tweets and links and longer blog posts about the possibility of NCAA Tournament expansion, I want to expand on something I proposed in comments the other day. If the NCAA is absolutely dead set on expansion, there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way. The wrong way is to… Read more »

No Complaining, Just Celebrating the Cape and Aunt Alison

I’m not a man prone to big shows of emotion (excepting, of course, rage) or speaking about things with dramatic flourishes. I don’t tend to run very hot or very cold and therefore lack the emotional reserves to pull that sort of thing off. So please, bear that in mind as you read this. When I go heartfelt, it can… Read more »