Monthly Archives: February 2010

Dissent of the Day, NCAA hoops edition

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In response to my prior tweets and blog posts condemning the potential expansion of the NCAA Tournament to 96 teams as “unspeakably dumb, absolutely ridiculous, totally insane, utterly indefensible, wolf-face crazy,” and so forth — and lamenting the possible end to the mystique of the quixotic 16-versus-1 game — Andrew last night e-mailed the following response. I don’t agree with… Read more »

2010: the last chance for a #16 seed to truly shock the world?

One of the greatest annual subplots of the NCAA Tournament in its 64-team (and 65-team) format, IMHO, is the question of whether a #16 seed will finally do the unthinkable and knock off a #1 seed. It’s never, EVER happened, and it rarely even threatens to happen, for the simple reason that #16 seeds — the champions, often the unexpected… Read more »