9 thoughts on “Twitter: MURRAY STATE AT …

  1. ceiliazul

    Loyette had a dream that mommy and daddy would go to the tournament, and would actually win a game! Her own humble goals to win an office pool, you root against her?

    Vanderbutt couldn’t have won anyway.

  2. gahrie

    hmmm…in the current game I picked Dayton to beat St. Mary’s……but Richmond is actually playing in the game….so will my Dayton pick count as Richmond?

  3. AMLTrojan

    Brendan, your bracket looks so much like mine it is eerie. I picked more early round upsets, but our brackets follow some very similar logic in a lot of places.

    Also, how come the brackets show Dayton? I could’ve sworn that the bracket had Richmond in it when I was making my picks.

  4. Brendan Loy

    Yeah, there’s a bug in the pool software that causes all “Richmond” picks to display as “Dayton.” Never fear, they are actually “Richmond” picks and will be scored accordingly. I’ll fix the bug this evening.

  5. David K.

    I can’t believe you would root against your daughters arbitrarilly chosen pick for national champion, what kind of terrible father are you?!?

  6. Brendan Loy

    Not my fault, I picked Murray State before she picked Vand-uh-butt. Indeed, if you listen closely to the video, I think you can hear the pain/trepidation in my voice as she keeps advancing Vandy further and further in her bracket. I realized she was creating a family dilemma. 🙂

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