6 thoughts on “Twitter: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. David K.

    Has anyone ever done an analysis of seeding vs actual results to see how accurate the committee really is?

  2. B. Minich

    I’m with the trooper. AMAZING!!!!!!!

    Its interesting . . . over the past few days, when he wasn’t getting in trouble with Lance Armstrong, Tony Kornheiser was gathering NCAA bracket picks from experts on his radio show. And he was pointing out to the pickers that despite how everyone had said “the field is MORE WIDE OPEN THEN EVER BEFORE” all season, everybody was picking a Kansas vs. Kentucky final, with the majority having Kansas winning. 😀

    This does ruin the Callipari/Self rematch. But again, who cares? We’ll have other tourneys for Callipari to get to the Final Four, only to have it vacated.

    So they really lacked the courage of their convictions. And now, it seems, that indeed, the tourney has broken open. Nobody likes Duke. I suspect Kentucky is too young, and will have a collapse game. Suddenly, I suspect I should have gone with ‘Cuse! But with that injured player, who knows?

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