God bless Joe Biden

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Here’s video of Vice President Joe Biden dropping the f-bomb during this morning’s ObamaCare signing ceremony, reminding the Big Guy that “this is a big f***ing deal.”

Someone really needs to familiarize Joe Biden with the concept of microphones.

Don’t you love the strained smile on Obama’s face immediately after Biden says it? It’s a smile that says: “Joe, you f***ing idiot, eat s**t and die. The microphone totally heard that, you a**hole. Now all everyone will be talking about on cable news and the blogs and Twitter, instead of my landmark health-care reform law, is how you said the f-word. God dammit. Why didn’t I pick Bayh?”

Or words to that effect.

Meanwhile, aside from its vulgarity, can we focus for a moment on the banality of Biden’s statement? I mean, did he really think Obama needed to be reminded that the passage of his signature domestic policy initiative is a “big f***ing deal”?

1 thought on “God bless Joe Biden

  1. Joe Loy

    Ohhh, I dunno:

    The episode quickly got buzz on the Internet.

    Biden has a reputation of verbal slips, and he knows it.

    The White House response to this one? Embrace it.

    “And yes Mr. Vice President, you’re right,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a post, or “tweet,” on Twitter, the social networking site.

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