3 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @marcambinder: Jack …

  1. Joe Loy

    Thanks for that. Excellent. Jack Balkin has clarified my thinking and soothed my worry (neither of which is ever an easy task :). At the very least the Gummint will be able to put up a stout defense of the statute. / And here I was beginning to figure that FDR BHO would have to try Packing the Court. ;>

  2. Joe Loy

    And thanks again. Vurragood. / And may God continue to bless Article I, Section 8….News Conference 58, President John F. Kennedy, July 17, 1963….

    QUESTION: Mr. President, do you think that Mrs. Murphy should have to take into her home a lodger whom she does not want, regardless of her reason, or would you accept a change in the civil rights bill to except small boardinghouses like Mrs. Murphy?

    THE PRESIDENT: The question would be, it seems to me, Mrs. Craig, whether Mrs. Murphy had a substantial impact on interstate commerce.

    (Evidently she did, to be sure to be sure. 🙂

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