Monthly Archives: March 2010

Baby’s first bracket

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Okay, so admittedly, at 2 years and 2 1/2 months old, Loyette isn’t actually a “baby” anymore. But the piece of paper pictured below is her first NCAA bracket: We filled it out over the course of three days, each session starting with great enthusiasm (“Do a racket, Daddy!”), which gradually waned as her attention wandered. Eventually, we’d stop and… Read more »

NCAA Pool reminder

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I’m on break from jury duty, so I have time to remind y’all to enter my FREE men’s and women’s NCAA Tournament pools! Just follow the links below, or in the “My NCAA & NIT pools” box at right. MEN’S POOL: [UPDATE: The polls are closed! Good luck, everyone!] WOMEN’S POOL: Regular Bracket | Mascot Bracket (To clarify about the… Read more »

More procedural hypocrisy

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Harkening back to my point that “none of the political leaders in Washington hold, or care about, the moral high ground when it comes to…procedural arguments,” and “they’re all hypocrites with respect to such arguments,” here’s a bit of perspective about the current “deem-and-pass” kerfuffle: In the last Congress that Republicans controlled, from 2005 to 2006, Rules Committee Chairman David… Read more »