Monthly Archives: March 2010

Here’s my Bubble Scoresheet

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Here’s my annual Bubble Scoresheet (Word, PDF). If you print it out and check the teams off as they’re announced during the Selection Show, you’ll realize more quickly than other folks when the bubble is officially “tapped out” and no more bids are available. As usual, my “PROBABLY IN” category includes some teams that are generally thought of as “locks,”… Read more »

Ducks QB suspended for 2010 season

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Oregon Ducks QB Jeremiah Masoli has been suspended by head coach Chip Kelly for the 2010 season following his guilty plea of second degree burglary. Masoli and former Ducks WR Garrett Embry stole two laptops and a guitar from a campus fraternity. Embry had been kicked off the team prior to the theft. Each faces 12 months of probation, 140… Read more »