Monthly Archives: March 2010

CotW:A Disaster Movie in Every Sense of the Word (Or Tim Applies Very Too Indepth An Analysis to 2012)

While 2012 came out in theatres way back in November, it just arrived on DVD this Tuesday and that made me think it was the perfect time to revisit it. And by revisit, I mean offer commentary on. And my commentary begins like this “Fuck you, 2012, fuck you very much.” Oh, Spoiler Warnings, by the by. And occasional profanity,… Read more »

Christmas bomb plot was doomed to fail; plane would have landed safely

A test explosion for a BBC documentary suggests that the “underpants bomber” would have failed to bring down Flight 253 on Christmas Day 2009, even if he’d managed to detonate his trousers. Likely death toll: 2, namely the bomber and the unlucky soul sitting next to him. A controlled blast on a Boeing 747, using the same explosives that Umar… Read more »