9 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. dcl

    Hopefully Obama won’t puss out on picking someone. Bush didn’t puss out on Roberts or Alito and Obama has a significantly stronger Democrat position in the Senate than Bush had Republican. There is no reason not to appoint someone just as ideological on the left as Bush did on the right. And freaking young. Obama, pick young!.

    Not that I particularly like that this is how it works. It would be nice if the entire supreme court was made up of even handed moderates that always put aside their own ideological beliefs in favor of the common good and the rule of law. But that’s a pipe dream. So to reiterate, Obama, pick someone that is going to make the right $#*% a brick.

  2. Sandy Underpants

    The Right will #&#%* a Brick no matter who he picks. They’ll claim reverse racism, affirmitive action, man-hating, tunnel vision, anti-straight, pro-abortion, black panther, socialist, nazi, etc. Everyone knows it’s gonna be the chink anyway.

  3. dcl

    Note, the Constitution does not require either a law degree or US citizenship, all that is needed is the Senate confirming the President’s selection…

  4. David K.


    So not only do I meet the qualifications for Pope, I meet the qualifications for the Supreme Court too??? Sweet, I wanna be the first Pope on the Supreme Court!

  5. Alasdair

    If Obama is annoyed enough at the GOP, he may just nominate one of the Clintons …

    If Obama had a sense of humour, he would nominate Sarah Palin …


  6. Jazz

    If Obama had a sense of humour, he would nominate Sarah Palin …

    Or perhaps Harriet Miers???

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