9 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Conservatives pick universal …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Hey wait a sec, I’m first in line to bash Mitt over Romneycare, but that’s hardly a fair headline given that Romney had 24% of the vote among more than half a dozen candidates.

  2. ceiliazul

    This headline is snark. Brendan is fair minded but also likes to jab people (like me) who disagree with him. If either of those things was not true, this site would be less interesting to me.

    On point, Mitt Romney is the most universal health care oriented repub around. If he is the nominee, it proves that republicans are either stupid or lack real leadership.

  3. JD

    Considering he only beat out Ron Paul by one vote, I think “preferred” is a bit of a stretch.

  4. Brendan Loy

    Ceiliazul is correct, the headline is intended to be read with a distinct tone of snark. Although, in response to AML and JD’s comments, it’s worth noting that a similar degree of nuance certainly would not be applied by y’all if a Dem straw poll produced similarly amusing result. Yeah, he only got 24%, and won by one vote, but he still won the thing. That gives me license to snark about it. As the kids say, “SCORE-BOARD!”

  5. AMLTrojan

    The more diluted the field, the more extreme the winner. Dilute the liberal straw polls sufficiently, and you’ll have Dennis Kucinich or Ralph Nader winning. To get to 50%+1 as a candidate, you can afford to be second or third place in most people’s hearts so long as you are first place in their ballots. To get just 25%, you need to be in first place on the hearts of a really strong constituency.

    I really wish these kinds of votes were tabulated like in Ireland and other countries where you get to have a list and the second-, third-, and fourth-place votes are divided among the remaining candidates until someone gets 50%.

  6. Alasdair

    AMLTrojan – I’m not sure the US is ready for STV … (Single Transferable Vote) …

    Now, a requirement that constituencies be as compact as possible and group-blind as well – *that* would greatly help reasonable candidates to get elected …

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