4 thoughts on “FriendFeed: ESPN College Football …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    Now that Ohio St. doesn’t play USC anymore, they’ll go back to their annual undeserved BCS championship blowout. That totally sucks. The Buckeyes are not ready for primetime, and in protest of the pathetic-11 conference, the powers that be should not rank Big-10 teams PERIOD, they should be blacklisted until they bring their conference back to respectability, otherwise we get Ohio St. vs. Florida again next year. Why is Oregon at #10? Their entire team is in jail or on parole and suspended for the season. Didn’t Stanford and tOSU prove that the Ducks are complete sham?

    Granted there is still plenty of football to be played so I shouldn’t stroke out over this prematurely. Pun intended.

  2. David K.

    “Why is Oregon at #10? Their entire team is in jail or on parole and suspended for the season.”


    It’s like they wanted to be the next Miami but skipped the whole national power part and went straight to Jail. Do not pass Pasadena, do not collect $200,000,000.

  3. AMLTrojan

    Do not pass Pasadena, do not collect $200,000,000.

    You got the Pasadena part right, but I’m afraid Phil Knight has already taken care of the $200,000,000 part.

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