7 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. Brendan Loy

    UPDATE: CNN Breaking News — President Obama says nations at summit endorse goal of giving everyone on Earth a puppy and a pony within four years.

  2. Joe Loy

    Yes Yes 🙂

    Sure, it’s an ambitious schedule but it needs to be met. / I say the nations should assemble & deploy an elite Global Nuclear Reconnaissance team headed by Sam Nunn and Queen Noor. 😉 I bet They can find the pea nukes. :>

  3. Alasdair

    Hmmm … so this means that all nuclear materials that already have good coping mechanisms have to fend for themselves, eh ???

    Such blatant discrimination !

    And how are they/we/whoever supposed to *find* said “vulnerable nuclear materials “ ? Go on a fission expedition or something ?

  4. Alasdair

    Thank you ! Thank you !

    Periodic puns are indeed a physic for the soul – at least for us Natural Philosophers …

  5. Joe Loy

    Waw haw haw! :} However, as to the soulful Physics here, I find myself covered with conFusion. :>

  6. Jazz

    The puppy and pony update @1 is funny because, please, all nations are going to secure vulnerable nuclear material? Let me know when my puppy arrives.

    And yet. Was thinking the other day that, while I find Obama to be mostly disappointing, on a visceral level, it is possible that his has the makings of being a great, transformational Presidency. For example, I hate the health care bill, as I’ve written here more times than anyone surely cared to read. But then, the health care status quo was utterly unsustainable, with oligopolistic firms dominating each state’s markets and preferring major medical plans, which frequently screwed entrepreneurial small businesses. That had to change.

    So while ObamaCare wasn’t the preferred change, as long as it doesn’t bankrupt the country, there’s a pretty good chance that it will ultimately lead to something like Nixon’s catastrophic national health care pool, with consumers mostly covering the rest, turning health care consumption into a market, and making all of us better off. History won’t give Obama credit for that last change, but it will credit Obama for pushing the boulder forward, which no one else knew how to do.

    On foreign policy, you probably had that “Team America: World Police” response to Medvedev mocking Bush for not being a good listener the other day. American President don’t listen well? Listen to this! (Cue shock and awe on the Kremlin). It is one of the immutable laws of marketing that a market leader doesn’t pay attention to its followers, and similarly America the Great shouldn’t worry about what the stinking Ruskies think.

    OTOH, if the securing of the loose nuclear material has any chance of working at all, of being something more than “now…my puppy please?”, America will have to take a ‘Sun-Tzu Art of War’ approach, which is to say, understand where the fault lines of Russian motivation to slip nuclear stuff to the Iranians lies. That requires understanding your enemy better than he understands himself, or, listening.

    IOW, Obama may be right about most of this crap, or if not right, at least moving in the right direction, even if it all feels….so….wrong. Interesting. Let’s return to this conversation in 25 years.

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