20 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Rasmussen poll: Barack …

  1. Jazz

    Maybe the ‘EVERYBODY PANIC’ in the open refers to the fact that Americans still apparently like Barack Obama more than Ron Paul.

  2. Sandy Underpants

    Ron Paul is the biggest example of how illegitimate American Politics are. Not to suggest that democratic elections elsewhere aren’t as rigged, but Ron Paul makes it so obvious. He’s the front-runner in every aspect, and gets no respect as a candidate, gets virtually no air-time on Fox specifically, and little air time anywhere else. He won EVERY Republican primary debate and Fox News wouldn’t even let him talk on the air afterwards, or give his thoughts any attention. The most insulting part is that he voices the beliefs of a majority. Get out of Iraq (so what if he’s a republican), get rid of the IRS, get rid of irresponsible spending/debt. I wish I had the opportunity to vote for him. But I’m not a registered Republican, and the system is so rigged he’ll never show up ahead of any other candidates because the sheep-voters were told he can’t win and isn’t a legitimate candidate even though everyone agrees with what the man is saying.

    Plus he looks and sounds like a wine-o and that’s tough to market.

  3. dcl

    Ron Paul is one of those people I agree with up until I realize we went of the deep end…

    Generally he has very good ideas. The problem is those ideas tend not to be tempered by anything. A certain amount of pragmatic reality is necessary to effectively run a nation.

    e.g. Obama desperately wanted to and wants to get out of Iraq. If nothing else, the reality that he won’t get re-elected if substantive movement is not made in that direction has him wanting out of there. However, the pragmatic reality of the facts on the ground have tempered his actions. With Ron Paul, I doubt he would let the facts on the ground stand in his way. Much the way Bush ignored reality when he went into Iraq. In both cases the consequences of such action would be and were disastrous.

    As for David’s question. My understanding is he would significantly reduce the size of the Federal government, including a general dismantling of the military industrial complex etc.. And revert back to the classic methods of Tariffs, excise taxes and what not that were used prior to the introduction of the income tax.

  4. Sandy Underpants

    What’s panicky about that poll Joe Mama? The same people would put Joseph Stalin at 46% against Obama. It’s a disease that has only recently come to light, psychologists have dubbed it “ODS”.

  5. David K.

    @Joe Mama

    You are right, that poll IS frightening. Its trully frightening that the lies and fear mongering done by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, et al is so great that so many people buy into them and therefore think we were better off under Bush, despite all signs pointing to the opposite. The Right Wings “If you say it enough times it must be true” style of “leadership” scares the bejeezus out of me.

    That said, i agree that Sandy makes retarded assumptions.

    If Dane’s characterization of his views is correct he’s basically trying to take us back to a pre-industrial economic and governmental state of existence. Yeah THAT would work real well.

  6. Joe Mama

    Its trully frightening that the lies and fear mongering done by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, et al is so great that so many people buy into them and therefore think we were better off under Bush, despite all signs pointing to the opposite.

    Just out of curiosity, David….what did Sandy say that you agree is retarded?

  7. David K.

    His claim that the moon landing was faked.
    His claim we’d be safer without a military.
    His assertion that we’d be better off without the IRS (or a similar arrangment).

  8. Alasdair

    David K – which of your imaginary ‘friends’ (or was it Ed Schultz or perhaps Arianna Huffington?) told you about “the lies and fear mongering done by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, et al “ ???

    Could David K actually be a re-incarnation of La Pucelle ? Sure, and ‘Tis a Miracle, Oi tells Yah !

  9. dcl

    Geln Beck is a joke. He is crazier and more off the deep end than Stephen Colbert… Which literally is a joke about what the Republicans have become. Honestly, you’ve become a party of sad imbeciles and reactionary lunatics.

  10. Jazz

    Honestly, you’ve become a party of sad imbeciles and reactionary lunatics.

    When I was a younger person, in my teens, I used to be idealistic and politically liberal, as many teenagers are. My grandfather was quite conservative, and though I loved the guy, I found his politics mostly distasteful.

    My grandfather had a fairly impressive library of conservative thinkers in his basement. A lot of WFB down there, just about the complete works of Solzhenitsyn, a bit of Hayek and others. Sometimes I’d read those books out of morbid curiosity, and while I was mostly offended by WFB’s brashness, surely Solzhenitsyn earned his stripes to speak directly, and Hayek was a pretty reasonable dude…

    I suppose people generally drift conservative as they grow older. However, I distinctly recall that those writers, while offensive to my liberal disposition, made sense. As I got to university, I found myself gravitating toward Buckley and Solzhenitsyn and the rest, to learn more about what I had begun in my grandfather’s basement.

    Maybe most folks wouldn’t sneak readings of Solzhenitsyn in grandpa’s basement. It does seem, however, that the transparently comical chicanery of folks like Glen Beck may not be the best way to sell the hard-won truths of conservative politics to future generations.

  11. Sandy Underpants

    You’ll know the moon landing was faked in our lifetimes, and I’ll remind you that I said that, and you (and everyone else) will say, “It was so obvious that only a moron would have believed we really landed there”, just like the Iraq war cheer-leaders tell me today when I remind them that I was opposed to the war BEFORE it started, and those people called me an “extremist” for thinking goign to war was a bad idea. Only based on the facts, of course.

    We’d be better off, as a country, if we gutted military spending because the last 5 wars we started haven’t really worked out for AMERICANS and there is no country that threatens our security militarily. There’s no reason to spend 50% of our entire Budget on military waste like buying, building, and testing more bombs et. al.

    I thought you were joking the other day when you questioned Ron Paul’s platform to abolish the IRS. I thought for sure that’s something most Americans agree on.


  12. Alasdair

    SU – try a little application of Occam’s Razor …

    IF the Moon Landings were faked in some remarkably-effective conspiracy, can you explain how *none* of the conspirators (or folks aware of the conspiracy at the time) have come forward with credible evidence about such fakery ?

    If DC was a ship, it would have sunk centuries ago, it is so full of leaks of much more critical things …

  13. Sandy Underpants

    What’s the motive to come forward and say America lied about the moon landings? To deflate the morale of proud Americans? It’s not like anyone died over believing we landed on the moon. Hell, the Roman Catholic Church has been running a pedophile ring for 2000 years and only now are they fessing up (albeit to the lowest degree possible). The moon landing hoak took place 40 years ago!

  14. Jazz


    The (alleged) six successful moon landings in the Apollo program occured between 1969 and 1972, or at the height of the Cold War. The Wikipedia page tells us that “The World Watched”, which world surely included our archenemies, the Soviets.

    When the US was crowing about the technological triumph of Armstrong and Co. landing in the Sea of Tranquility, the Soviets surely trained their telescopes on said location, out of a Soviet sense of distrust but verify, yes? By your view, not only did the Soviets see nothing happening in Apollo 11, but also nothing on Apollo’s 12 through 17 (ex-13, which didn’t make it). Even though it was the height of the Vietnam War, the one window where the Soviets were arguably almost winning the Cold War, they raised no fuss about their archenemy’s faked technological triumph?

    The problem with believing the Apollo moon program was faked is that you almost certainly have to believe that the entire Cold War was faked. You do believe that the entire Cold War was some construct for the sake of mysterious internationalist conspirators (like the Tri-Lateral Commission), don’t you? How else could you explain the Soviets’ bizarre silence at the US’ repeated fraud in claiming they reached the moon 6 times?

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