2 thoughts on “FriendFeed: From @dmataconis, inspired …

  1. AMLTrojan

    I love how all of these compromise proposals concede that the very first thing that must be done is to secure the borders (i.e. enforce our immigration laws and stop illegal immigration), but then when somebody actually goes and does something along those lines, all those high-minded sophisticates start freaking out. Which is why nobody can take them seriously and you get things like Prop 187 and the new Arizona law. Guess what folks, when the bloody do-gooders won’t get off their asses and fix the problem, the people at the local and state level who are most directly affected take matters into their own hands. Surprise surprise.

  2. JD

    I fail to see where the proposal requires compromise from liberals. The first two bullet points are what the government should be doing anyway, and the third is amnesty.

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