Monthly Archives: April 2010

Hitler video meme under attack by copyright holder; Hilter pissed

The movie studio that made Downfall, the film that launched a thousand Hilter parody videos (previous posts here, here and here), is abusing copyright law by yanking the videos off YouTube. (Fair use, anyone?!?) Naturally, Hitler is not happy about this: LOL! (Warning: profanity in the subtitles, as per usual. … Hat tip: Outside the Beltway.)

The Fog of 4/20

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Five days after Tea Partiers rallied at the State Capitol building in Denver, a very different kind of protest/party took place in the same spot two days ago, Tuesday, 4/20. If the date doesn’t clue you in, you can divine the difference from the cloud of hazy smoke above their heads. It’s not a Tea Party, it’s a Weed Party:… Read more »