8 thoughts on “Twitter: Cutting through the …

  1. Brendan Loy

    (By “quasi-terrorist,” I mean someone with terrorist intent but no connections & few resources or skills. Not a hardened Al Qaeda type.)

  2. David K.

    I know you are big on Twitter and all, but your front page right now is covered with mostly repetitive information, or lack of information really.

  3. B. Minich

    From what I gather, that’s better then CNN’s obsessive coverage of the White House Correspondant’s Dinner, to the exclusion of all else.

  4. Brendan Loy

    I feel your pain, David. I wrestle with what to do about the oversaturation of the homepage with tweets at times. I do keep some of them off with the *# tag (which tells my tweet importer not to import them). But the toughest cases are these, where the tweet is newsworthy / blogworthy when posted… and then loses its relevant 5 minutes later, yet stays on the homepage, gumming up the works. Alas, I don’t have an easy solution to this problem.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Update: OK, I eliminated three of the more redundant / obsolete tweets from the homepage. So it’s slightly better now.

  6. Brendan Loy

    Update 2: I also “bumped” Brandon’s post up to an arbitrary point in the middle of the “wall of tweets,” so break up the monotony of the top part of the homepage somewhat.

  7. Sandy Underpants

    Speaking of the white house correspondents dinner, since when did that become a “breaking news/bombshell” live event on network news? From my recollection, it was something flunky that they showed some funny bits from the following day or Monday, but nobody cared. Saturday night they pre-empted Geraldo!!!! with the countdown to it and live coverage of bad Jay Leno bits. I guess fox thought it was important because of Leno, but it’s not important.

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