5 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. Brendan Loy

    CNN Breaking News — CNN attempts to make up for its bizarre lack of coverage of the Times Square bombing attempt Saturday night (when it aired endless #nerdprom postgame analysis, and Larry King reruns, instead of bothering to report actual breaking news) by sending out a breaking-news alert EVERY FIVE SECOND ABOUT THE SAME THING, thus cluttering Brendan Loy’s homepage and damn near bumping his “Defining Day” post below the fold.

    *shakes fist at CNN*

  2. Brendan Loy


    CNN Stream of Consciousness Alert: Wolf Blitzer is taking a piss, right now. CNN projects that Wolf Blitzer has produced 8 ounces of urine. Right now.

    CNN Stream of Consciousness Alert: Wolf Blitzer is now having lunch, right now. He’s having a turkey sandwich. CNN projects that it cost $3.67, right now.

    BREAKING NEWS UPDATE!!! CNN projects that Wolf Blitzer’s sandwich is delicious, right now.

    Speaking of which, is THE BEST POLITICAL TEAM ON TELEVISION doing live coverage of the British election results Thursday night? Oh please please please?

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