Details emerge in the saga of the iPhone prototype

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Earlier today a judge in California unsealed the affidavit in the case of the stolen iPhone prototype revealing new details about the incident. The full document is available here.

Some highlights:

Brian Hogan (the finder) obtained the identity of the phones owner, Gray Powell, before the phone was remotely erased but never contacted Powell or Apple as some had claimed.

One of Hogan’s roommates contacted Apple and alerted them to Hogan’s possession of the phone after he refused her advice to return it.

Hogan and another roomate attempted to remove evidence they had the phone, but after being confronted by police retrieved the evidence and turned it over.

Hogan claims he was paid $7500 not $5000 as Gizmodo reported and was offered an additional $2500 if the phone Apple announces in the summer closely matches the prototype.

Three crimes were alleged in the warrant issued for the search of Chen’s home, all felonies.

First, purchase of stolen property.
Second, copying (including photographs or video) of trade secrets.
Third, Malicious damage of another’s property as Apple discovered damage to the phone after it was retrieved from Gizmodo that occurred during their teardown of the device.

Gizmodo demanded written proof from Apple that the phone belonged to them despite being contacted by Steve Jobs directly.

Gizmodo altered their published version of correspondence sent to Apple:

Posted on Gizmodo

P.S. I hope you take it easy on the kid who lost it. I don’t think he loves anything more than Apple except, well, beer.

Originally sent by Gizmodo to Apple

P.S. I hope you take it easy on the kid who lost it. I don’t think he loves anything more than Apple except, well, beer. Maybe some spankings.

For the full details just click the link above.