3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Connecticut Supreme Court …

  1. David K.

    What standing did the GOP have to appeal here. She wasn’t the Democratic nominee yet correct? Aren’t they allowed to pick their candidate first THEN the GOP can challenge whether the person should be allowed to run? I mean it was nice that they did it sooner rather than later since it means the Dem’s can run someone else instead but still, correct ruling or not, seems odd that they get to object here.

  2. Joe Loy

    David: the case originated when Secretary Bysiewicz sued Herself. 🙂 No, really. :> OKOK so not Exactly really. Following weeks of public controversy over her eligibility or Lack thereof, and an AG’s Opinion (from Dick Blumenthal 🙂 which ultimately Punted the question, Susan (in her capacity as a Candidate) sued her Office, CT SOTS, in quest for a Declaratory Ruling. The Dem State Chairwoman was also a named defendant, though she was later dropped. The Republican Party then was accepted as an Intervenor. When the Superior Court ruled in Susan’s favor the GOP (after some days of Mulling) appealed to the state Court of Appeals. / At which point (with the Dem Convention looming; it’s this weekend) the CT Supremes immediately Reached down from their rarified heights atop CT Olympus ;> and Grabbed the case, presumably on the premise that We’re gonna get this turkey eventually anyway and Time’s a-wastin’, here.

    Bysiewicz’s own standing was an issue in Superior Court btw — argued by the Republicans (!) on the basis that she had not shown Harm & the issue was not Ripe.

  3. Joe Loy

    PS: which puts me in mind of the immortal Obiter Dictum proclaimed many long years ago, by my state-employee Union’s witty-&-wise in-house Attorney, at a strategy meeting of my brother-&-sister Union Goons: “Moot the Suit. Save a lotta Loot.” :}

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