Tooth of Truth

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I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. All four of ’em. The white thing on my face is an ice pack. And I’m loopy from being put under. I blame Obama.

UPDATE, 7:38 PM: [Bumped. -ed.] So, I’m doing well. Lots of apple sauce and yogurt, and Becky’s yummy homemade carrot soup. I’m taking Percocet (or rather, a generic version theroof) for the pain, which isn’t that bad… presumably because I’m taking Percocet. 🙂 As of yet, no noticeable swelling, though we’ll see what tomorrow and subsequent days bring.

I’ve also discovered that Percocet’s primary side effect, for me at least, is that it makes me very sleepy. There were several different points this afternoon where I was lying on the couch, asleep or half-asleep, with Loyette sitting next to me, alternatingly lying on me, crawling on me, snuggling with me, and/or giving me kisses to wake me up. 🙂 “Daddy! Daddy! Can you wake up?” Very cute.

Meanwhile, I’m wondering why four simultaneously extracted wisdom teeth doesn’t entitle me to $4.00 under my pillow from the tooth fairy tonight. Some might simply blame adulthood, but I think it’s Obama’s fault. Didn’t ObamaCare help pay for itself by mandating means-testing of tooth-fairy coverage? 😉

[Original timestamp 10:21 AM -ed.]

UPDATE, 10:43 PM: A full-fledged EPIC WIN to Ryan Morgan for this comment on my tooth-fairy joke, over on Facebook: “If the toothfairy was equipped with both a sardonic sense of humor and a knowledge of current events, she could have placed 4 drachma under your pillow.” HAHAHAHAHA.

17 thoughts on “Tooth of Truth

  1. David K.

    Man, this blog is just dissapointing all around this week. First there were no complaints in the Complaint of the Week, and now drugged up Brendan isn’t goofy, loop or high. I demand a full refund.

  2. Alec

    “Tell me, Clarice – have the lambs stopped screaming?”

    Sorry, poor taste. I hope you feel better soon Brendan.

  3. gahrie

    I’ve had 7 extractions, 2 titanium posts implanted and at least16 root canals (you kind of lose track after the first dozen) since last June. In the next week I am going to get my permanent crowns attached to my two posts, and I have five more titanium posts to be implanted.

    (I had a severe dentist phobia and hadn’t been to the dentist in ten years, I used to drink lots of Mountain Dew and dip tobacco)

  4. Alasdair

    gahrie – if these are your first dental implants, you are going to be *amazed* at what you have been missing !

    I got my first two dental implants in 1992-1993, and have had 3 more since … the implants are essentially flawless … (the final tiny screw which holds the permanent crowns onto/into the permanent post has managed to work its way loose on 2 of the implants – in 17 years, I cannot complain – quickly fixed by my dentist completing the unscrewing, making sure everything was still OK, then screwing it back down again, complete with the proverbial bijou torque wrench which attaches to the hex key used, yet) …

    Additional benefit of implants – because they are very firmly socketed into the bone of the jaw, they ‘work’ the bone, which helps to keep bone density up …

    My own dental-chickenness works synergistically with a very strong vaso-vagal response … so all dental work on me is done with me fully horizontal or the feet slightly raised relative to my head, even … as a result, even when the vaso-vagal wants to kick in, the position combined with the vaso-vagal capillary relaxation allows the blood to pool to my head rather than away … much less traumatic for both me and my dentist …

    (/me braces for incoming from Venerable Loy !)

  5. David K.

    Damn gahrie, i was going to guess that you tried to stop a car with your face or something after that description. Makes me want to schedule an appointment for a check up right now, just to be on the safe side!

  6. David K.

    I was fine on ibuprofen every four-six hours, no percocet or whatever for me. Although mine was a simple extraction, all four were partially erupted, coming in straight and came out in one piece. The trick is to stay on the normal pain meds regularly so the pain can’t build and then you don’t really need the other stuff.

  7. Joe Loy

    1. Please accept all familial Sympathies.

    2. “Tooth of Truth”, indeed! Hee hee! / Shirin (RIP) (& z”l 🙂 is Flicking her tail in Heaven tonight & Thinking of you. [Inside Fambly code, people; don’t Fret about it. ;]

    3. And Now: not to cruelly interrupt your Percocet-induced dreamstate Reveries or anythinglikethat, but evidently the CT Republicans don’t agree with your analysis, namely that ~~

    …it’s hard for me to believe that Linda McMahon would actually do that much better in a general-election matchup than Rob Simmons, who seems like the best GOP candidate from an electability perspective, by far…

    ~~ since their Convention has just officially Endorsed McMahon over Simmons. It’s the Deep Pockets I’m tellin’ yez. (I think she had an Understanding with that crackpot Peter Schiff, most of whose plus-100 delegate votes Switched to her during the dreaded Switching Hour ;> after the Roll was Called but not yet Closed — putting her Over the Top. / In her speech she promised to deliver Blumenthal a Smackdown in November. 😉

    “(/me braces for incoming from Venerable Loy !)”

    Oh so it’s Braces too, was it? :> Estimable Alasdair, I’ve naught but Compassion for yer chronic Jawboning difficulties. / Me, I’ve been most fortunate to have Escaped such. To Excerpt from a recent conversation between meself & the Kiddo:

    “You are old,” said the youth, “and your jaws are too weak
    For anything tougher than suet;
    Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak–
    Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
    “In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
    And argued each case with my wife;
    And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw
    Has lasted the rest of my life.”


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  9. Casey

    I don’t care what anybody else says, Brendan. I won’t find you any less toothsome.

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  11. Jim Kelly

    They put me under for my extraction. I had all four wisdom teeth plus a bad molar taken out for good measure. My wisdom teeth were coming in at all sorts of crazy angles, it was kind of a Jack Nicholson Joker moment when I came to. I was like, “Show me the teeth!” The dentist was all, “There were some complications, most of them didn’t come out in one piece, but we have this one.” He put it in my hand, and while I laughed, it wasn’t nearly as cool as the Joker laugh.

    So yeah, I was high as a kite. And I enjoyed the hydrocodone they gave me, it kept the pain away mostly and made me pleasantly buzzed. 🙂

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