Monthly Archives: May 2010

Lieberman’s citizenship-stripping bill: Bad idea, or worst idea ever?

In the wake of the latest asinine debate over whether U.S. citizens arrested on U.S. soil on suspicion of terrorism (conservative police-statists, please stop and re-read that phrase — “on suspicion of” — as in, not convicted, as in not guilty, as in presumed innocent — as many times as necessary until your alleged small-government principles are activated) should be… Read more »

FriendFeed: Alan Sullivan translates …

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FriendFeed: Alan Sullivan translates Greece’s “national tantrum”: “We spent more than we earned. Now we’re broke and spending even more than before. But those greedy Germans [i.e., the ones who are bailing us out!] demand ‘austerity measures.’ Let’s shut down our country! That’ll teach them…”