Monthly Archives: May 2010

Google announces GoogleTV

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On the second day of Google’s I/O conference today, the search giant announced a new product, GoogleTV. The platform, which will be available built in to at least some Sony TVs, as well as available in stand-alone boxes (think TiVO or your cable DVR box), combines your DVR functionality (including program guide), web-based video sites like Hulu, and Netflix streaming…. Read more »

CotW: Leaving Connecticut College (Again)

Seven years ago I graduated from Connecticut College. Approximately 10 months ago, I returned to Conn as a Practicum Trainee in the Student Counseling Services office. For 20 hours a week, I sat with clients from the student population and, hopefully, helped them out in some small measure. Tonight, I just completed my last full shift in that role. For… Read more »