Infractions Committee pre-drinking?

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So, I was taking some pictures this evening of USC national championship paraphernalia around the house, preparing for a future blog post in the unhappy eventuality that, sometime soon, some of said paraphernalia may refer to events that, according to the NCAA, never happened.

In the course of this, I took the following picture of an item that refers to a championship which, so far as I know, remains unquestioned by the NCAA (although forever questioned by LSU fans). I’m posting it here just because I think it’s purty.


That’s Crown Royal in the glass, if anyone is wondering. Mmm… whisky.

Incidentally, the previously-tweeted ESPN report that the NCAA infractions committee’s findings are due Friday, according to a source, seems to have disappeared without a trace. I wonder what’s up with that? Silently retracted, perhaps?

4 thoughts on “Infractions Committee pre-drinking?

  1. Kenneth Stern

    Hmmmm…the ESPN link works for me. Perhaps it only fails to show for people who followed their USC tenure by going to an arch rival’s law school…err…I guess not since I went to UCLA Law. 🙂

  2. Brendan Loy Post author

    Works for me, too, now. Weird. Last night it was redirecting to the ESPN homepage.

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