2 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Nation’s …

  1. AMLTrojan

    See, if you ask me, this is much closer to the truth than the “Stuff White People Like” post. American soccer fans are a weird breed, and except for the light sports media coverage of MLS or the Champions League, you tend to forget we exist. Then World Cup comes around (and to a lesser degree, during the Euro and Gold Cup competitions), and all of the sudden, all the soccer nerds start popping up and asserting ourselves, and we become somewhat insufferable.

  2. David K.

    Intrestingly enough the soccer fans have been popping out of the woodworks ever since Seattle got their MLS team. I know a ton of people, many of them American (although we have a fairly large non-American population in the area) that are avowed soccer fans. Of course I think they are nuts, but meh, no harm to me.

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