2 thoughts on “Twitter: Colorado officially joins …

  1. B. Minich

    All this expansion reminds me of the banking crisis. Remember how rumors would start about how banks might not be able to pay out their obligations . . . which would then result in people not depositing money . . . which lead to more speculation . . . which lead to a genuine shortfall of cash . . . which lead to the collapse of Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers?

    The Big 12 is Lehman Brothers. Victim of speculation . . . making its members nervous . . . which makes EVERYONE nervous . . . which seems like will cause the death of an established conference.

  2. JD

    And now, some heavily mutilated dialogue from “Titanic”:

    Thomas Andrews/Don Beebe: Nebraska… leaving for the Big Ten. Colorado, already lost. Three Texas schools, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, gone.
    Rest of the teams: When can we get underway, damnit!
    Don Beebe: That’s seven teams gone! The Big 12 can stay afloat with any six teams gone, but not seven!
    Beebe: Not seven. As she goes down by the head, the teams will abandon ship, one after the other. There’s no stopping it.
    Rest of the teams: But TCU… if we opened the doors…
    Beebe: Adding schools would buy you time, but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do, this conference will founder.

    (Best comment of the day so far goes to Fark: Missouri already said she wants a separation from her husband, but her boyfriend isn’t returning her calls.)

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