9 thoughts on “Twitter: Dear fellow USC …

  1. David K.

    I disagree, I think its entirely valid to complain about the disparity between the punishment and the crimes. Forfeiture of wins? Which one of those games were won because Reggie Bush’s family got a rent free house? USC won those games on the field, they didn’t cheat in the game. The punishment (of which there should be some) should fit the crime.

  2. David K.

    The Big 12 exploding, USC getting the banhammer, and AML agreeing with me. I think this would be an approrpriate use of the #PANIC! tag eh Brendan 🙂

  3. dcl

    No the NCAA is unseemly. and full of shit… (Sorry Brendan, I’m going off the reservation and not safe for kids… I try not to, but this is just fucking stupid.)

  4. dcl

    Suggest everyone send the NCAA an email with the words BULLSHIT today. It’s bad enough we take it up the ass for the NCAA’s corrupt officials on the filed, now we take it up the ass from the NCAA’s corrupt officials in an office park.

    Time to trust bust the NCAA, where is Teddy when you need him.

  5. Casey

    This is the greatest outrage in the history of the universe! Take away the championship? Does the NCAA have a time machine I don’t know about?!

    USC won the national title, Matt Leinart dated Paris Hilton, and then Reggie Bush got to bang Kim Kardashian. It happened. I saw it all on TV.

    Is the NCAA going to take that too — no Kim Kardashian for Reggie, ever? That never happened? They can undo the Paris Hilton thing, that’s fine. But Kim Kardashian? That’s going too far.

    The NCAA is clearly racist against Southern Californians. I propose that President Obama forget about the oil spill and push for a new law. Call it the “Conquest Law” — sports teams get to retain their conquered titles, and individual players can retain their sexual conquests.

    Look, if this can happen to USC, it can happen to any of us. You don’t want the NCAA knocking down your door and telling you who you never slept with, do you? Call you congressman! Call Obama! Say no to this travesty!

  6. David K.

    Can happen Casey? It DID happen, 20 years ago to Washington. Thats right, the last time a West Coast team was a football power house it was disproportionately punished (and crippled ro a good decade).

  7. dcl

    Perhaps once the PAC-## gets things sorted out and the Big-Numverically Challenged gets sorted out. They should meet together and form the CNFL and proceed to tell the NCAA to go fuck it self. College football championship held yearly at the Rose Bowl. Single round play off. Full sub-confrence round robin.

    Hells yeah mother fuckers.

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