3 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @ocruscblog: USC …

  1. dcl

    The NCAA can go to hell and get its f*n monopolistic anti-competitive ass sued out existence.

  2. Sandy Underpants

    I’m reading the report right now, and granted I’m just 17 pages into this, but I’m struck by the lack of significant critical thinking skills on the part of the NCAA in formulating their conclusions. For one, they openly state “the committee finds agency partner A credible”. This is a man who has spent time in prison and is a former admitted gang member. His testimony, with no supporting evidence is accepted as the unmitigated truth by the NCAA!

    The report states:

    “The institution pointed out that agency partner A stated that he provided the cash for the car but has provided no supporting documentation, such as bank withdrawal records to corroborate the purchase. The committee finds that the violation occurred.”

    The NCAA doesn’t care that there is absolutely no evidence that the agent provided cash to Bush, they just believe it because they want to believe it.

    On pages 16-17, the NCAA cites thousands of dollars that were given to Bush by Agency Partner A, and then they detail that Agency Partner A borrowed all the money from his mother, his sister and his former brother-in-law. In other words, Agency Partner A had no source of income– past, present, or future, yet provided a college athlete with nearly $100,000 by borrowing it all from his family. How F’n ridiculous is this?!?

    Another instance set-forth that Agency Partner A sent cash to his brother-in-law to buy plane tickets for Reggie Bush’s parents and then the brother-in-law went to a travel agent and bought the tickets in cash. Unfortunately there is no receipt to prove any of this happened and the travel agent is out of business.

    Talk about a tall-tale.

  3. dcl

    So what your saying, Sandy, is that there is no new evidence? And that the NCAA actually has no evidence whatsoever? And for that are imposing sanctions the likes of which were imposed on a University that had boosters paying a significant portion of the football team. What the HELL NCAA, I stand by my previous position, they need their ass sued off.

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