11 thoughts on “Twitter: WHOA, WHOA, WHAT?! …

  1. B. Minich

    Hrmmmmm . . . I dunno, I suspect that some of these reports are as a result of throwing darts with school names at a dart board with conference names on it.

    “Let’s see, here’s Mizzou! *Thwack!* And the board says Big East! Quick! Spread the rumor that Mizzou is going to the Big East!”

  2. kcatnd


    They wish, haha.

    Miami back to the Big East? Announcement to come as soon as Friday.

  3. Brendan Loy

    Sources say Utah is unexpectedly losing ground to UConn as the prospective twelfth team if the Pac-10 only expands to 12.

  4. B. Minich

    The weird part of the last few days is that, while I know that’s a joke, the UConn to the Pac-10 rumor no longer sounds wolf faced crazy. Like if ESPN reported that rumor, I’d totally buy it now, rather then a week ago, when I’d have wondered why ESPN was allowing obviously high sources through their screening process.

  5. David K.

    Aside from Vanderbilt they can barely spell their own names, not surprising they have duplicate team names.

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