6 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @suzhalliburton: So …

  1. Kenneth Stern

    If A&M doesn’t come to the Pac 11 (as of today) then the smart move would be Utah. Not only is that a new TV market but it co-opts Orrin Hatch from continuing to complain about Utah not having a fair shake at a National Championship. Frankly…I would suggest that the Pac 11 simply not even offer A&M and instead just offer Utah…but I suspect not to make the offer might cause problems in Texas after all that has gone on this week.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Good points all. But, on the other hand, if the Pac-11 takes Kansas instead of Utah, it becomes one HELL of a basketball conference. (Notwithstanding how awful the Pac-10 was last year.)

    Yeah, yeah, I know, we’ve learned in the last week or two that basketball doesn’t matter to these decisions. But Kansas in the same conference as UCLA, Arizona, Stanford, etc.? That’d be awesome.

  3. Kenneth Stern

    Who cares about basketball if you are a USC fan???? 🙂

    One other thought on the 2011 issue. If, because of Nebraska moving to the Big Ten in July 2011, the reconstituted Pac-16 also starts that year, USC (assuming no successful appeal) would not be eligible to participate in a conference championship game that year since that game is another one of those exceptions under the same rule that would prohibit USC from playing 13 games in a year when they play Hawaii.

  4. Brendan Loy

    Yeah. And on the other hand, if the reconstituted Pac-16 DOESN’T start in 2011, the Big 12 will only have eleven teams in 2011, which means it would not be eligible to HOLD a conference championship game… unless it invited some random team to join it, potentially just for one year.

    Does TCU have enough talent to compete for the ’11 title? Hmm……

  5. JD

    It makes absolutely no sense for A&M to jump eastward. College Station is a one-county TV market. It’s not going to get you Houston. Their fight song insults Texas, for crying out loud.

    Instead of circling the Big 12 wagons, Missouri and Texas set up a circular firing squad.

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