USA vs. England open thread

      12 Comments on USA vs. England open thread

I dunno how many World Cup fans I have among my readership, or how many of those will be on the blog this fine Saturday afternoon… but if anyone is looking for a place to comment on the USA vs. England game, here you go. Anti-British slurs are welcome because, really, who’s racist against British people? (Maybe dentists? Ha!)


(New tweets will appear below. … Post bumped; original timestamp 12:05 PM.)

12 thoughts on “USA vs. England open thread

  1. gahrie

    Conflicted here. Of course I want the USA to win, but I spent half my youth living in England rooting for England and watching English soccer.

    I just hope it is a good game.

  2. Casey

    First they tax us without representation. Then they dump oil all over our country. When will we draw the line, America? Where does British oppression end?

    Now! TOday! USA! USA! F**K BP! F**K BP!

  3. Casey

    Who cares about soccer anyways. I can’t believe that the rest of the world calls this game football. It’s soccer people! Football is played by the Dallas Cowboys and such.

    This game is dumb. Nobody cares about the World Cup anyways.

  4. trooperbari

    The second half was more excruciating than the final 60 minutes against Portugal in 2002. Good thing that’s the only match at altitude.

    Three stars:
    1) Tim Howard
    2) Steve Cherundolo
    3) Rob Green

  5. JD

    So, apparently this result is going to have the Brits weeping into their pints, or some such.

    Meanwhile, on this side of the pond, we’re all either a) going “A TIE? A freaking 1-1 TIE?” or b) continuing to not care.

  6. trooperbari

    No weeping, I think, just elevated levels of grousing and adding yet another goalkeeper to the long list of English scapegoats. Green made the howler, but none of them were all that good.

    David Seaman, Paul Robinson, Scott Carson, et al feel Green’s pain.

  7. Doc

    OK, so England’s goal was sweet, and ours wasn’t.

    Still, 1-1. I’m going with “woohoo” on this one.

    Also, Crouch! He’s my height, half my weight, and shit! He got in the game!

  8. B. Minich

    I had to miss the game (ugh!), and was trying to avoid all media about it. Then I stupidly asked my Dad about the World Cup. He’s not a soccer type, so I figured there was no way he’d heard yet. But when I asked him, the first thing he said was “Yeah, we played England to a 1-1 tie!”

    So yeah, so much for that plan. But its a good result! And the kvetching across the pond will be enormous, which alone makes it all worth it. The English are at their best when they are kvetching.

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