3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: ESPN: Colorado was …

  1. David K.

    And with that news Larry Scott has, in one week, gone from earning my deep respect for his bold attempts to build the PAC-16 to completely losing it for screwing over the UW and the other NW schools. Losing the LA games is going to severely hurt exposure, money, and recruiting. If this was the known plan at the time the leadership gave him the go ahead I’m pissed at the UW leadership to. A north/south split is unacceptable. He should have gone 16 teams or 10. Put more preassure on the other bug 12 schools to force Texas hand. Instead we get this. I’m pissed.

  2. Brendan Loy

    FWIW, if we assume North/South divisions and a 9-game schedule, and no guaranteed cross-division opponents, each North division team would go without a game in L.A. once every three years.

    (Likewise, USC would go without a Bay Area weekender once every three years.)

    Although I’m psyched about USC and Colorado being in the same division, I don’t blame you for being pissed. I think zipper divisions are the way to go. And, let’s see, if you had zipper divisions with Colorado in USC’s division, and 9 games, the Buffaloes would play at USC every other year, and at UCLA every fourth year. The schedules could be structured to make sure those games never occur in the same year. So Colorado would be without a game in L.A. once every four years, as in:

    2011: at USC
    2012: vs. USC, at UCLA
    2013: at USC
    2014: vs. USC, vs. UCLA (no game in L.A.)

  3. David K.

    Exactly, I think the zipper schedule is better and no less trouble than a North/South split. I mean I understand YOUR glee at seeing USC every other year 🙂 But now *I* won’t get to see them but once every four years!

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