4 thoughts on “Twitter: iPhone 4 loses …

  1. David K.

    I wouldn’t panic just yet, any product is going to end up with a few bad eggs out of the manufacturing process and you always hear more from people with problems than from those without problems. Worst case scenario you get yours it has some issues, you have to wait a little bit for a replacement when the second wave of phones arrive at the stores.

  2. Jim Kelly

    While I prefer the iPhone to an Andorid phone, that article is crap. Hence the “updates” at the top. Oh noes, my phone can do stuff with my data!

  3. David K.

    Indeed Jim, at the time I posted it it hadn’t any of those update and looked pretty grim. There are many things about Android I dislike, but its unfortunate they went to press with an article that clearly wasn’t ready. I’m sorry I posted it now.

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