iPhone 4 live-tweeting

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I’ve consolidated my live-tweeting of this morning’s iPhone 4 purchase below:

4:25 AM: At AT&T Store. No one else here. Heh. I suppose most pre-orders went directly to homes, and AT&T has no walk-in stock, so no line.

4:49 AM: There’s somebody else here, but he didn’t preorder, and store sign says no phones for non-preorderers til Tuesday, so he’ll probabaly leave.

5:24 AM: First guy left, but a new guy just arrived, and put his bag by the door to hold his spot. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A LINE.

5:30 AM: 5:30 AM. Sunrise over Denver. T MINUS 90 MINUTES TILL IPHONE 4 LAUNCH. #omg #nerd #unnecessarilywaitinginline

5:43 AM: Trying to post and respond to tweets with my ancient Sprint flip phone only reinforces what a good idea it is to finally get a damn iPhone.

5:48 AM: A third person is here. Two of us are sitting in our cars, one is sort of wandering around. It’s a “line” only in a loose, postmodern sense.

5:56 AM: AT&T Store employees are here! Wearing dorky AT&T shirts! Yay! (Because I’m waiting in line for a phone, but THEY’RE the dorks. Right.)

6:00 AM: ONE HOUR LEFT. Four people here now. I’m getting out of my car and getting in actual line. FEAR FIRE PHONE AWAKE!

6:21 AM: A fifth person just arrived to join the line. 40 MINUTES LEFT. … Anyone want to bring donuts to the Quebec Square AT&T Store? I’m hungry.

6:27 AM: Employee arriving at next-door Jimmy John’s: “It’s too early to be at work, let alone at a cell phone store. You guys are crazy.” #hesright

6:29 AM: Now 7 people in line, all listening to some sort of bizarre crypto-Euro-R&B remix of “Teddy Bear Picnic” on one guy’s car stereo. #wtf

6:30 AM: 30 MINUTES LEFT. Several non-preorder folks here, hoping for the best despite sign saying no extra phone stock till Tuesday.

6:37 AM: AT&T Store employee now verbally telling non-preorder people that they have no phones for them. I think line is about to partly disperse.

6:40 AM: I AM NOW FIRST IN LINE. #1 and #2, and all other non-preorder folks, left. Three of us remain, all preorderers. 20 MINUTES LEFT. #wheeeee

6:50 AM: Cherry Creek Apple Store, which has some extra phone stock, reportedly has a long line. Here, just 3 lonely pre-orderers. 10 MINUTES LEFT.

6:55 AM: Supposedly, **1500** people in line at Apple Store Cherry Creek, as of an hour ago. Here, we’re up to four people now. FIVE MINUTES LEFT.


7:04 AM: I’M IN.

7:06 AM: My iPhones have been unboxed.

7:10 AM: AT&T Store having activation issues because they haven’t downloaded iTunes 9.2 to some of their computers. #OMG #LOL #incompetence #attsucks

7:13 AM: Becky’s & my iPhones, waiting to be activated. They’re purty. #nerdporn http://twitpic.com/1ziurp
twitpic photo


7:20 AM: My Sprint phone is about to be deactivated so my phone number can transfer over. Next update will be from my new iPhone.

8:03 AM: OMG I OWN AN IPHONE! http://tweetphoto.com/28863844
My new iPhone 4

5 thoughts on “iPhone 4 live-tweeting

  1. David K.

    I’d like to think we can trace this moment all the way back to my pro-Mac influence freshman year 🙂

  2. JD

    As a normal person who owns a Mac (is that an oxymoron?), I’d say you were crazy to be there at 4:25 AM. Hope the sunrise was worth it.

    As someone who recently has severely struggled with insomnia, I don’t know whether to envy you for being able to what you did or just say you are bat**** insane, and meaning that in the nicest way possible. 🙂

  3. David K.

    @JD – I know *I* wouldn’t have gotten out of bed so early this morning to pick mine up if I could have had it delivered instead, but alas, due to AT&T’s epic incompetence I was lucky to get the pre-order reservation through. I won’t even do that again next year, i’d rather wait for it to be delivered a few weeks late than go through a 3 hour line wait again. In other words, you are correct, we WERE crazy.

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