Monthly Archives: June 2010

FriendFeed: Heh: “A reader …

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FriendFeed: Heh: “A reader suggests the Pac-10 should rename itself the 12-Pac and see if it can forge a marketing partnership with Coors, which should be easy now that Colorado is joining the conference.
There could be two six-Pac divisions, the Coors and Coors Lite. Naturally, Utah would be in Coors Lite.”

World Cup scenario update

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After the surprising 0-0 tie between England and Algeria, which was literally the best possible result for the Americans after this morning’s amazing comeback/referee screwjob against Slovenia, here’s where things stand, I think, in terms of the USA’s hopes of qualifying for the next round of the World Cup. Someone correct me if I’m wrong: * If we beat Algeria,… Read more »

The soft bias of high expectations?

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On Twitter yesterday, Melissa Clouthier and I had another one of our epic back-and-forth tweet-debates, complete with multi-part tweets (mostly by me) and rhetorical fireworks. Melissa is on record as calling me her “blog husband,” so is it any wonder we bicker on Twitter like an old married couple? Heh. Anyway, this time, the topic was “unexpectedly” bad economic news… Read more »