10 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Why Apple’s iPhone …

  1. dcl

    You know what’s funny about the Gizmodo article… That the iPhone 4 when death griped still gets better reception and holds a call better than the 3g.

  2. David K.

    Seriously, why do you keep linking to Apple coverage from a source with a known bias against them and a criminal record in their reporting?

  3. B. Minich

    Yes, Brendan. I’m with David here. If the iPad had some kind of preview device, I would have read more Gizmodo articles then I wanted to.

  4. David K.

    I have no problem with Consumer Reports, they haven’t commited felonies to get their stories and information.

  5. B. Minich

    AML, I’ll at least look at Consumer Reports. They haven’t been a disgrace to good journalism. I can’t trust anything Gizmodo does after the ridiculous iPhone 4 story, in which they left an engineer out to dry, and seem likely to have committed a crime.

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