InTrade odds on LeBron staying in Cleveland down to 27%. I rate that as a BUY. There’s an excellent chance this Miami talk is disinformation.
How hard would it be for Team LeBron’s inner sanctum to selectively leak information to “sources” who then tell reporters what they “know”?
Can’t believe they’d schedule TV special & then use it to announce he’s abandoning his hometown to join a self-selected Dream Team of Greed.
But CAN believe they’d deliberately spread that false rumor, then shock everyone with the news that, never mind, he’s staying in Cleveland!
This is Cleveland we’re talking about. If any city (not just sports fans of one team of one city, one city with all its sports teams combined) would not be surprised if they were nuked from orbit in front of a nationwide audience, and in fact would expect it, Cleveland is that city.
Also, the mere facts that he ASKED ESPN to do this on TV, and that ESPN GAVE it to him, make me sick. But then, to say I’ve never been a fan of him is putting it mildly.