RenFests have layers

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We went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival today. ‘Twas fun.


Over on Facebook, I expressed something I’ve long thought about RenFests, updating my status to say: “Brendan thinks Renaissance Festivals, like donkeys ogres and onions, have layers. Layer #1: amusements to entertain little children and kids at heart. Layer #2: scantily clad nerds hoping to get laid. Not necessarily in that order.”

(A Facebook friend added, “Layer #3: a good excuse to eat a turkey leg or four.” Heh.)

Also, while I’m at it, another observation: Renaissance Festivals must horrify serious students of Renaissance and Medieval history. 🙂

Anyway, at the joust, it so happened we were on the side of the arena that was supposed to root for the knight who was supposedly from Madrid:


I told Becky I thought it was a good day to be rooting for the Spanish guy. I was right!

Finally, apropos of nothing, here’s an iPhone photo that I rather like, of ye olde beer:


5 thoughts on “RenFests have layers

  1. Brendan Loy Post author

    I don’t think there’s ever a bad time of year, or day, to have a Killian’s on tap.

    Then again, I’ve got Bud Light in my fridge, so my opinion on such matters is probably not terribly valuable. 🙂

  2. Jim Kelly

    I do have to say I was shocked to learn that Brendan drinks Bug Light. 🙂 Perhaps we’ll have to learn him about the pleasures of a fine brew.

  3. AMLTrojan

    Actually, if Brendan can draw pleasure from the likes of Bud Light and Coke Zero, more power to him. I can’t tell you how much money I would’ve saved over the last few years if Charles Shaw wine tasted good to me.

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