In lieu of flowers, vote Republican

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Charlotte McCourt…who died July 8 [at age 84] after a long illness…was a homemaker, proud mother and grand mother and wife of 67 years to Patrick McCourt.

And she was at one time a loyal supporter of Harry Reid.

Her obituary, printed in Tuesday’s Review-Journal, reads in part, “We believe that Mom would say she was mortified to have taken a large role in the election of Harry Reid to U.S. Congress. Let the record show Charlotte was displeased with his work. Please, in lieu of flowers, vote for another more worthy candidate.”


Ouch, indeed. Heh.

P.S. [obligatory joke] But wait, this is Nevada. Doesn’t that mean Ms. McCourt can still vote against Reid herself? Or is that only allowed in Illinois? [/obligatory joke]

12 thoughts on “In lieu of flowers, vote Republican

  1. Sandy Underpants

    Mrs. McCourt can still vote for a Kennedy, but I don’t know about any other candidate.

    I think the obit is classless because it’s written by her kid(s) who admit they don’t even know for sure if in fact she’d be mortified or not. And I think “mortified” is a pretty unambiguous word. Further controversial is the statement that Mrs. McCourt took a large role in Reid’s election, only to now be dissapointed in him… after 46 years in public office!!!!?!?

    I can’t believe anyone would work hard to get that weasel elected in the first place, but it’s pretty shameful to work hard for someone who’s been in public office for decades and then be so dissapointed in how he turned out after his 46th year of public service. Unless the deceased writes it themself, an obituary is no place to air personal commentary.

  2. AMLTrojan

    SU, you have to consider Harry Reid last stood for reelection in 2004. Back then, she might still have thought he was doing a good job since he hadn’t been majority leader yet and his shenanigans to that point were relatively obfuscated by his lack of visibility.

  3. David K.

    Her family are the most likely to know how she felt. Barring additional info that shows her kids are acting in bad faith I’m going to assume it’s a reasonable (and hillarious obit).

    Not everything is a conspiracy that needs you to overanalyze it Sandy.

    And don’t worry, well make sure that your obit is clear that you want donations sent to the Fake Moonlanding activist group of your choice.

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  5. Sandy Underpants

    I don’t know a lot of kids that agree with their parents politically or philosophically, and I know a lot of kids that have problems with their parents for life, so it’s completely reasonable to believe that the kid(s) in this instance are expressing their opinion rather than their dead mom’s opinion. That’s not a conspiracy it’s critical thinking. I, and you and probably most everyone else doesn’t know for sure what the truth is in this, but I’m just offering a different perspective.

    Don’t worry about the moon landing debunking fund, I’ll be alive when that “conspiracy” will be exposed when China lands there in only 10 more years (51 years after we allegedly landed there).

  6. Sandy Underpants

    And, not to overly critical think this thing out above David K’s ADD attention span (too late?), but what in the F does a dead woman who lived an amazing 84 years care about who wins a senate election in her district?!? I mean she’s dead, usually you stop caring about elections when you get seriously ill, but being dead is one step beyond that.

    And to address AML’s point, which was a good one, the obit says Charlotte worked for Harry Reid’s congressional election, well that was in the early 80s, and she had plenty of time to express her opinion about Harry Reid, yet the obit is written as speculation rather than her expressed and overt feelings, which calls the entire political slant to this obituary into question. If you think critically.

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