9 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Apple Won’t Recall …

  1. David K.

    “a person familar with the matter said”

    “people familiar with the matter”

    Who is this person and/or people that they are quoting?

    “The electronics giant kept such a shroud of secrecy over the iPhone 4’s development that the device didn’t get the kind of real-world testing that would have exposed such problems in phones by other manufacturers, said people familiar with the matter. ”

    The Nexus One showing the same behavior:

    And the Droid Incredible

    And the HTC Evo 4G

    And a random Nokia phone

    And a page from a Nokia manual outlining this behavior

    And an iPhone 3G

    Shockingly placing your hand between the signal and the reciever causes signal degredation. Apparently its not transparent to radio waves or something.

  2. B. Minich

    Typically, when WSJ quotes “sources” they are right. Many speculate that these “sources” call the WSJ with correct info. Many who cover Apple think that it’s Jovs, Phil Schiller, or somebody not far below them. In any event, a WSJ leak is typically Apple’s pre show spin of an announcement.

  3. David K.

    @B. Minich – if you read the article the references I’m talking about are saying some very negative things about Jobs and Apple, so I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the info you have is not correct in this case, unless you think Schiller is trying to undermine Jobs.

  4. B. Minich

    Well, that’s the one area I was trying to make sense of. I still suspect this is the official expectation setting from Apple, though. Maybe one of the sources isn’t approved, and another is? The press conference tomorrow will help make sense of this, I think.

  5. AMLTrojan

    David @ 7, sometimes companies / administrations / people will have the negative information leaked to better control and contain the damage. If there is negative info and Jobs considers it just a matter of time before someone digs up the dirt, he could theoretically have it leaked so he has a chance to spin it in the media.

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