23 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. David K.

    Wait, you mean that Fox News story wasn’t actually what happened and was a partisan hack job? I’m shocked I tell you!

  2. Sandy Underpants

    Civil Rights job?!?! Why don’t they just offer her job back and fire Andrew Breitbart, Bill O’Liely, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Can we the people actually stick it to those jabronies for outright disseminating falsehoods at a “News Network” while the story is hot?

    I was actually watching CNN last night by accident, and I was astounded at Anderson Coopers story on this. Not the actual story, but none of the anchors on CNN were demonizing politicians of one party or calling for the firing or punishment of other people, or claiming that the country is being taken over by a minority renegade group. It was almost like how the news was way back when I was growing up in the 80s. News. Who ever thought that would something you need to be balanced about? The facts only have one side and it’s the truth. I don’t need Dick Morriss to interpret it for me, thanks though.

  3. gahrie

    Uhmm guys, she was forced to resign before Fox covered the story…….

    Fox host Glen Beck spent most of his show yesterday defending Sherrod.

    Hannity didn’t cover the story…he had a guest host last night…..

    Looks like Vilsack, and the NAACP aren’t the only ones jumping to conclusions….

  4. Alasdair

    1) Wasn’t she forced to resign on Monday, July 19 ?
    2) The Fox story you reference itself refers to her – “Days after the NAACP clashed with Tea Party members over allegations of racism, a video has surfaced showing an Agriculture Department official regaling an NAACP audience with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy — video that now has forced the official to resign.” – as having already been forced to resign …
    3) Most importantly, Sherrod isn’t the important story – the audience yukking it up about what she did back then *is* the important story … Sherrod herself explains how she came to realise that people are people – that colour of skin shouldn’t matter (and most times doesn’t matter) …

    Spinmeisters are frantically trying to make out that Sherrod the Innocent is the only important story – trying to divert attention away from the premise that Obama’s white critics are all racist while Bush’s black critics were just speaking truth to power …

  5. gahrie


    Facts are confusing things for those on the left…….feelings are the only important thing to them…..

  6. gahrie

    It was Brietbart who originally released the video. He did so not to attack Sherrod, but to show the NAACP audience reacting to her racist statements.

    I am hoping Brietbart investigates who sent him the video, and why they edited it they way they did………I am betting that this was supposed to be a time bomb designed to blow up in Brietbart’s face, but that the Obama administration and the NAACP set it off early.

  7. Joe Mama

    Alasdair and gahrie: I can’t help but dig you both a little on this one. David is of course very wrong to suggest that Fox News got Sherrod fired, but claiming that the video was “a time bomb designed to blow up in Breitbart’s face” is laughable. Breitbart shat the bed on this one, which is a little surprising. He has always been a conservative with an agenda, but he is (or has been) generally credible (e.g., his support for the ACORN stings). What is actually shocking about this story is that the Obama administration would so spectacularly overreact to an internet video posted by Breitbart. That is frankly staggering. I suspect the WH’s reaction is a direct result of their sensitivity to racial matters given the DOJ’s controversial handling of the New Black Panthers case, among other things.

  8. AMLTrojan

    Joe Mama, I generally agree with you, but Alasdair has a very strong point in #5, 3). The real story here is (or at least should be) the audience reaction to Sherrod talking about how she treated the white farmer — the same audience that the president of the NAACP was a part of — and the same president who later claimed faux outrage over Sherrod’s comments. Breitbart looks shady in this story, but the real lasting impact will be the final unmasking of just how much of a joke the NAACP has become.

  9. Joe Mama

    Fair enough, AML. That the once respected NAACP has become a farce is beyond debate. I’m just not willing to cut Breitbart much slack here.

  10. David K.


    “Facts are confusing things for those on the left…….”

    Wow, you really want to go there? How about the FACT that I didn’t say Fox News got her fired, just that it was a partisan piece that didn’t have the facts right at all?

    Hell, this coming from the guy whose idea of a “fact” is a proven false statement like “government always makes things worse”. If we go by right wing facts then I should be busy reading secret memos from my Kenyan born Islamo-socialist President about the Death Panels and the global warming hoax, all while riding to work on my dinosaur who was around 4,000 years ago dontcha know.

  11. Alasdair

    Ummm … David K … so the Obamaniac Agricultural Department *and* the Obamapologist NAACP weren’t “partisan pieces that didn’t have the facts right at all” just as much ?

    Should Sherrod have been fired ? Not from the evidence we see …

    Should the NAACP be apologising to *anyone* they have called racist recently ? Oh, yeah, you betcha, “dontcha know” ! (quoting your own sweet self)

    As for “government always makes things worse” – you got gahrie dead to rights ! He did commit the unexpected cardinal sin of hyperbole … such a shame since NO-one else around here EVER does that ! {rolling eyes}

    Doesn’t th NAACP have some sort of legal obligation to change its name to the National Association of Apologists for the Current Prfesident ? (Since that’s what it has become)

  12. Alasdair

    “Prfesident” – Freudian slip elided version “No-f-in-President”

    As used in

    “Barack Obama is Prfesident”

  13. David K.

    Alasdair, you are an idiot who as usual doesn’t have a clue what your talking about.

    Get the facts:


    And the NAACP is right, the Tea Party is filled with racism. Many of its members exhibit it, and its leaders have done almost nothing to address it.

    Sherrod should never have been fired and Vilsack was wrong for doing so, but in the face of a more than likely coordinated onslaught from the right? Would have been tough to stand up to it without being accused of racism himself by the bigotted hate filled talking heads at that propoganda network. It’s not news, its hate speech and rhetoric masquerading as news, telling its viewers exactly what they want to hear to re-inforce their unsupported by the facts beliefs.

    Oh and no, gahrie wasn’t engaging in hyperbole, he stood by his statement and it was offered as his only evidence as to why the government shouldnt’ be allowed to be involved in health care adminstration.

    People like you are whats wrong with this country, blindly partisan hacks who don’t care about results or facts, just advancing your agenda mindlessly regardless of the cost. The stunning level of hypocrisy would be amusing if it weren’t so damn scary. If people like you were in charge of this country the U.S. would fall faster than a lead balloon. Fortunately enough Republicans and others on the right see you and those like you for who you really are and an Alasdair style candidate has no chance of leading this country. God help us the day that changes.

  14. Sandy Underpants

    If you watched Fox News last night (June 21), it was more pathetic than the previous day’s hatchet job. O’Liely acted surprised and apologetic then took more stuff out of context and forwarded the lie even though it’s already been shown that Sherrod was recounting a story of 24 years ago, and then brought out Dick Morris to slander her and others even more than before.

    I enjoy Fox News as entertainment, but it’s really hard to believe people actually get their news from what is basically satire ON conservatives.

  15. Alasdair

    David K – “mediamatters.org” ??? Are you for real ?

    Let us pretend that it is a credible site … “Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement. Hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance. “ … so – I take it that you agree with that ? That this is “Hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.”

  16. Joe Mama

    And the NAACP is right, the Tea Party is filled with racism.

    I’m generally loathe to respond to anything that David posts, but the pure left wing bullshit he spews above is just too tempting.

    The most notorious allegation of racism shamefully trumpeted by the NAACP and others came just before the vote on health care in March, when several black congressman claimed to have been showered with racial epithets by Tea Party activists outside the Capitol. That is a complete crock. Those accusations have been thoroughly examined and discredited. The purported incident occurred before a huge crowd of witnesses. Countless videos of the incident have surfaced, and not a single one in any way substantiates the Democrats’ disgusting claims about the Tea Party. Hence, Breitbart’s reward of $100,000 to anyone with ANY evidence of such racial abuse remains unclaimed.

    The Tea Party undoubtedly has a fringe element of kooks, as does any group with such enough numbers. But I have yet to see any credible evidence backing up the outrageously broad-brushed and utterly asinine charges of racism made by David, the NAACP, Janeane Garofalo, Keith Olbermann, or any other leftwing dipshits against the Tea Party. None.

  17. AMLTrojan

    When it comes to Democrats, you have the Davids of the world, and then you have the likes of Sen. James Webb. I don’t like Sen. Webb on a lot of issues, and I will almost definitely be voting against him if I’m still here in VA when he is up for reelection, but hopefully David can look past the fact that this op-ed piece is in a right-wing rag and see that Webb is speaking plain truth here. Webb has more or less declared war on the Obama / NAACP social agenda with this piece. Obama is completely losing the non-wingnut wing of the Democratic Party, but at least we know he’s still got David leaching on his teabag.

  18. Alasdair

    AML Trojan

    That last image in #20 *has* to be against the Geneva Convention !


  19. gahrie

    Webb makes a good start in that article, but he still supports some racial preferences for Blacks, he just disagrees with all other minority preferences.

    We need to get rid of ALLracial preferences.

  20. AMLTrojan

    gahrie, if we limited AA to only direct descendants of slaves, I’d happily accept that compromise — especially since Supreme Court rulings have made clear that such forms of preferences should have a time limit. Then we could count on the remainder of racial preferences go by the wayside in the next 10-20 years.

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