2 thoughts on “Twitter: The return of …

  1. Joe Loy

    YAAAAAY!!! 🙂

    Simmons 48%
    McMahon 44%
    Schiff 8%

    Write it down. You saw it Here first. ;>

  2. Joe Loy

    Now the McMahonistas are starting to Squawk. HEE HEE HEE! As VP Biden would say, God love ’em. ;}

    “Today, it’s important to vote with your heart and your head,” goes the script for the 30-second spot. “Bailouts and tax increases have crippled the economy and cost us jobs. … National security must remain strong. Put your trust in the candidate who is and will be an advocate for veterans. … In the Republican primary on Aug. 10, you do have a choice. I’m Rob Simmons, I’m still on the ballot, and I approved this message.”

    Simmons, in a press release, minimized the significance of what he called “a public service announcement.”

    WAW HAW HAW! / And so it Is. 🙂 Just another page in Rob’s long & distinguished record of Public Service to his country. (Well. During his CIA years, perhaps Not-so-public. 😉 

    But the announcement served to maximize the wacky-factor in a campaign that may set a Connecticut standard for unpredictability. The McMahon campaign called it “very strange and erratic” behavior.

    Yeah. In stark contrast to the conventional & sedate behaviors one witnesses on WWE. ;>

    But on Wednesday, after Simmons’ announcement, political insiders speculated on whether the former 2nd District representative — with about $700,000 in funds remaining – was gearing up for a last-minute campaign blitz with less than three weeks before the primary. They wondered if Simmons had really just been playing possum.

To the McMahon camp, it smelled more like a skunk.

    Har har HOO Hah! / Neither the Skunk nor the Opossum, Linda. Just the sly old Fox. Suggest keep a close eye on yer Henhouse. :}

    To top it all off Wednesday, [3rd primary candidate Peter] Schiff came out with an announcement saying both he and Simmons would participate in a political debate next Tuesday…

    A debate! More Simmons Public Service! Yaaay!! ;>

    … — and he chastised McMahon for not participating.

”It’s too bad Linda won’t be joining Rob and I at the Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer debate on Tuesday, July 27th,” he said. “It appears she is only comfortable in the scripted confines of the wrestling ring, but when she’s unscripted she can’t handle it.”

    He added: “I’ll tell you what, if it makes her more comfortable on Tuesday, I’ll agree to put the three podiums inside a ring…”

    Atta boy, Peter! / GO, ROB!!

    Note to Andrew, Alasdair, gahrie, and all other Rightie denizens of the LRT: don’t raise a glass of Guinness to my GOP Re-conversion, folks. I’ve been a Recovering Republican these 14 years gone by [it’s a Lifelong process of course; gotta take it One day at a time :] and while there may be the occasional Slip, bedamned if I’m gonna Fall off the wagon now. I’m for Dick Blumenthal — unfortunate Misspeakings & overzealous Litigations & TV Camera Infatuation & all. He’ll be a fine Senator. / But he should have a Worthy opponent. And Rob Simmons is It. And the Other two characters, Ain’t.

    Plus, I just like Rob Simmons. / PLUS: I just LOVE the prospect of the Establishment-politico-&-media Uproar that will ensue if he Wins. “Can he DO that? Does it COUNT? But he officially suspended his campaign! FRAUD! Get the Lawyers on the phone, dammit.” IOW:

    “…I revel when the Mayor is nonplussed,
    I chortle when the Governor turns pale.”
    ~ W.H. von Dreele; National Review, waaay back in the Day ;}

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