13 thoughts on “Twitter: White House predicts …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    Is this bad? Is this news? What does this mean? Aren’t “they” going to be complaining until we get rid of this president and put a Republican in there to start another war to distract from this budget nonsense? We got it, do we need an article every day about how F’ed we are from the deficit, deflation, inflation, stagflation, wallstreet, personal gain tax increases, and everything else that hasn’t affected me since I first heard people complaining about the deficit during my elementary years in the 80s.

    We owe a lot of money, we’ll print more, trust me, as long as you aren’t wealthy, it really won’t matter, and if you are wealthy it will only matter if you love wealth more than family.

  2. gahrie

    We owe a lot of money, we’ll print more, trust me, as long as you aren’t wealthy, it really won’t matter, and if you are wealthy it will only matter if you love wealth more than family.

    How’s that working out for Zimbabwe?

    Ever heard of the Weimer Republic?

  3. Sandy Underpants

    Let me think…. Would I rather spend $1 trillion helping americans, or would I rather spend $1 trillion blowing stuff up and murdering people. I think you just exposed your character and values. Republican to the core.

  4. gahrie

    Would I rather spend $1 trillion helping americans, or would I rather spend $1 trillion blowing stuff up and murdering people.

    Sandy, the United States is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan because other people thought blowing stuff up and murdering people was a good idea. We had no choice about going to war, merely the choice of where to fight it, here or there.

  5. gahrie

    and buy the way, the only americans the stimulus has helped are union thugs, government employees and Democratic special interests…..

  6. Sandy Underpants

    Good God Gahrie, you nailed America 2012 right on the head @#3 with the Weimar Republic. “The Weimar Republic was faced with numerous problems, including hyperinflation, political extremists on the left and the right and their paramilitaries”.

    I love your endorsement of the Bush Wars @#6. We had no choice to fight them, only where to fight them. Okay. Well the people that attacked us on 9/11 died on 9/11. The alleged masterminds behind the attacks are still at large according to our government. Terrorist attacks went up 1,000,000% after the Iraq war started. There was no such thing as suicide bombers and terrorist attacks in Iraq when Hussein was in power, now people blow up daily, although it’s improved drastically over the past 4 years. If going from 100 terrorist attacks per day to 3-4 is the kind of place you want to live.

    @#7 if the stimulus “only” helped americans who are union thugs, government employees and democratic special interests that’s a million times better than being completely wasted on dead-end/no benefit wars like Gulf War I and II, Afghanistan, and Vietnam.

  7. gahrie

    If going from 100 terrorist attacks per day to 3-4 is the kind of place you want to live.

    Not me. But ask the Israelis, they apparently are willing to live in such a place….

  8. Alasdair

    gahrie #7 – why did you repeat yourself redundantly ? (grin)

    SU #8 – so “Terrorist attacks went up 1,000,000% after the Iraq war started. “, did they ? In 1991 ? I don’t remember that … of course, on *my* planet, Pres. GWBush *finished* the Iraq War rather than starting it … and the terrorist attacks in Iraq were committed by Hussein and his regime … during that Hussein regime, Hussein was *paying* others to commit homicide bombings and terrorist attacks *outside* Iraq …

  9. AMLTrojan

    Disturbing / Stunning poll data from Powerline blog leads to this tough thought:

    This is notable, too: there has been much controversy over whether the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats (or many of them, anyway) can fairly be labeled “socialist.” Many on the left purport to view that label as a vile epithet. But a plurality of the political class, not just a far-left fringe, thinks that a government-managed economy is better than free enterprise. If that isn’t socialist, what is?

    He’s got a point.

  10. Joe Mama


    (just in case Brendan is too busy today for his typical sarcastic dismissal)

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