5 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Republicans …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Not enough immediate upside to justify a “positive” agenda. For 2012, we will definitely need a platform to contrast w/ Obama.

  2. gahrie

    How is this for the beginnings of a platform:

    1) Spending freeze. All government funding will be frozen at current levels for at least the next two years.

    2) Hiring freeze. Any new hires must be “paid” for by permanently eliminating other federal positions with equivalent pay.

    3) Sunset provisions: All new government programs will have a 10 year sunset provision built in. (similar to the Bush tax cuts)

    4) A funding baseline set. 90% of all government revenues in excess of the baseline must be used first to eliminate the deficit, and then be devoted to the debt.

    5) Reduce all agricultural and corporate welfare and subsidies by 10% a year until they are eliminated.

    6) Elimination of gerrymandering. By Constitutional amendment if necessary

  3. Alasdair

    Seems to me that the Loyal Opposition in this country is doing exactly what it is supposed to do – and that is cooperate with the Government side when the Government side is being sensible – and oppose the Government side then the Government side is is making the Bush the Younger era budgets look like emanating from Scrooge-on-steroids ! (And, yes, that *includes* the non-Bush budgets of the Dem-controlled Congresses)

    I foresee lots more “How’s that ‘Hope&Change’ working out for y’all ?” in the next few months …

  4. Alasdair

    gahrie #2

    I would suggest

    1) House and Senate and Administration to be subject to same laws as the rest of us … (a re-affirmation of HR 1 of 1995, as I recall – fix any weakening of HR 1 of 1995 if there has been any)

    2) Prevent gerrymandering – penalty of loss of Federal monies for something or other if gerrymandering isn’t explicitly stopped … boundaries to be set mathematically, not racially/ethnically/demographically …

    3) Moratorium on earmarks in the upcoming Congress – either it is out in the open in an explicit Bill if it is sufficiently important – or it must wait …

    4) Spending freeze – with provision for explicit light-of-day variances if critical

    5) Hiring freeze – normal attrition to be allowed to make room for new hires – with provision for explicit light-of-day variances if critical

    6) Reduction/elimination of agricultural subsidies – especially subsidies to NOT grow crops …

    7) Reduction/elimination of corporate/union welfare/subsidies

    8) Reduction of budget for Congressional perks/staff/subisdies/food/drink/travel … all eligible or none eligible – no longer at the whim of the majority party …

    Howzat for a start on “Son of Contract With America” ?

  5. Joe Mama

    Republican [sic] aren’t really giving me a reason to vote for them outside of the fact that they are not Democrats. That is not a strategy for political success, it’s mediocrity.

    Mediocrity or not, it certainly is a strategy for political success because most people, particularly a majority of independents, are yelling “No” just as loud as the GOP. Good luck trying to frame the midterm election as a referendum on the opposition party, especially this year.

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