5 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @TheFix: Rob …

  1. Joe Loy

    YAAAY! GO, ROB!! Pin the airhead WrestleWoman! Boil the Cracked-pot Teabag guy! Vindicate the Spookstealthy candidacy! In this Year of the Whacko Politico, save staid old Connecticut’s reputation for Sanity!

    (Then, having presented him with a Worthy oppenent, lose Honorably to Dick Blumenthal in November. 45% would be about right. 😉

  2. Brendan Loy

    …and guarantee Blumenthal’s re-election?

    Actually, that’s pretty much guaranteed anyway, so never mind, encourage people to vote Schiff if you like. 🙂

  3. Brendan Loy

    Er, and it’s not a “re-election.” Ahem. It just feels that way, as Dick Blumenthal has held statewide elective office since roughly the Civil War.

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