5 thoughts on “FriendFeed: iPad Owners Are …

  1. B. Minich

    I will most likely rant about this. But I need to read it first. But the headline and first few sentences have this iPad owner’s blood up already.

  2. B. Minich

    After reading the article, I’m dubious. It basically does a really comprehensive survey, and draws value judgements out of them. How on earth are they determining this stuff? I’m always a bit dubious of polls like this, especially when the pit the “selfish” against the “independent”.

    This comment was typed in an altruistic fashion from my selfless iPad.

  3. AMLTrojan

    Amusing. I probably share more characteristics with the “selfish elites” as described in this article, but I definitely hew more closely to the attitudes of the “independent geeks”. It might be a while, but if I do go for a tablet, it will probably be based on an Android tablet.

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